Sunday, July 10, 2005

Up until now, I haven't said much about religion, mainly because I don't tend to give a damn what folks believe, so long as they leave me alone. Today, I feel like posting some poetry. In order for it to make sense, you'd need to know that I am Asatru. That is, I follow a reconstruction of the religion followed by the ancient people of Germany and Scandinavia. The vikings.
So, here's a poem about Ragnarok, our version of the end times......

Sun and Moon, they cease to shine,
Swallowed into gaping maw.
The graveyards spit up broken men,
To ride upon a ship of nails.
The poisoned one writhes,
And breaks his bonds.
Asgard is his goal.
A longboat hewn from dead men's nails,
At the bow he rides.
Surtr strides from Muspellheim.
The world aflame he sets.
Heimdall blows his mighty horn,
To give fair warning for Gods and man.
The Eijnhierar from Odin's hall do stride,
To battle one last time.
Thor shall fight the mighty worm,
And Odin duels a mighty foe.
The fate of Gods already known,
And yet they take the field.
As the hosts arrive together,
The sky begins to bleed.
The valkeries scream,
And flank the dead,
Aiding where they can.
All efforts to no avail,
Or perhaps they help, indeed.
Could be, their efforts save the two.
Mankind's brand new seed.

Copyright Byron Wolfsong 2003

Friday, July 08, 2005

Good stuff today at Justin Buist's Log

Monday, July 04, 2005

Who do they think they are to try to issue me numbers to be able to go about my personal business? Who do they think they are to want to issue me an INTERNAL PASSPORT so that I can travel about doing my own daily personal chores? I want to know WHY any of us put up with this crap. Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe what we all need to do is when it is time to renew our driver's licenses, which have been turned into de facto federal internal passports, we should just drive with EXPIRED licenses. And if a few million of us do it, or even a few hundred thousand, what are they going to do? LOCK US ALL UP?

Go here: Read it all...

Kim Du Toit stops blogging????

Say it isn't so.

RE:4th of July
I have to say, I feel the same as he. The system is broken. This is not the country of my birth.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The supreme court justices as Nazgul.

An amazingly apt comparison from Silver at Claire
The Nine Nazgul

The relentless assault upon privacy, property, peace, and freedom seems to increase in scope and intensity with every passing day. The torrent of vile spew from SCOTUS at this time of year exacerbates the trend.

Each new outrage reinforces the image of SCOTUS as the nine Nazgul. Like the dark lords in Tolkien’s works, these creatures were once human. They had lives, families, and homes. Long ago they were seduced by power, and little by little they have given up their humanity,

Check the link for more.

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