Saturday, October 08, 2005

I want my country back, dammit!

Day by day, I read the latest idiocy to come from the Nation's capitol. Day by day, I grow increasingly frustrated by the inaction of those elected officials who are supposed to be safeguarding our freedoms. We, the people, no longer have any form of representative government. Rather, what we have are a multitude of self serving career politicians whose only consideration is for that which will gain them more wealth. "Taxation without representation" is alive and well in the U.S. of 2005.
What are we to do about it? Well, so far, nothing. So long as the powers that be continue with wave after wave of incrementalism, good men will sit upon their hands and do nothing. Why? Because we're a bunch of pussies, that's why. Nobody wants to go down in a hail of gunfire for somebody else. That's why we don't have men in every town rising up to shoot the bastards. It's because the government leaves us a comfort zone. We still have our families, we still get to keep our homes, so long as we pay the King's tax every year. There remains a line to be crossed. For many, that line is farther than they ever thought it would be. I know mine is far closer now than I would have believed 3 years ago. But I've complied with the last screwball law I intend to. My limit has been reached. I will comply with current laws, but no farther. I can take no more. However, so long as they don't directly come to confront me, I will remain nestled in my snug little home. Because I'm a pussy. I like being able to tuck my daughter in at night, and sleep in a warm bed next to my wife. Those are my "bread and circuses".
Otherwise, I'd be out throwing big screen TVs in the harbor.


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