Is George W Bush fiddling, while Rome burns?
Perhaps not fiddling, but certainly not paying attention to the important issues. I don’t know for certain what goes through the man’s mind. I’ll admit that. Sometimes I think his actions must be those of a globalist pawn bent on subjigating the American people to the U.N.. Other times, I think he truly believes the things he does are right and just. I’m not yet certain which scenario frightens me more.
Initially, I supported the war in Iraq. I didn’t vote for Bush in either election, but I felt the invasion of Iraq was spot on the thing to do. Weapons of mass destruction or not, Saddam was a monster at least partially of our own creation. Like a rabid dog who attacks the sheep, it’s the master’s job to put him down. We funded and aided Saddam, it was our job to spank him when he got too big for his britches.
At this point in time, however, I fail to understand why we are still in Iraq. Saddam is in prison. We are not reponsible for spreading democracy. To those who have lost friends and loved ones in this war, I’m sorry. I’ve lost them as well. Throwing more lives away makes no sense. Let’s bring them home, so we can focus on our own problems.
What problems, you say? How about illegal immigration? Our borders are like swiss cheese. How long before a dirty bomb is snuck through to detonate in a major city? How many of our freedoms must we lose in the name of “security”? Why won’t anyone address this problem? Whether for or against illegal immigration, everyone admits there is a problem.
So why doesn’t Bush address the problem? Pandering to the Hispanic vote? Appeasing the globalists? What reason can there be? Why won’t he do his job, and fulfill his oath of office? Why is Bush ruining the Republican chance at a victory in 2008? And rest assured, if anyone runs on a closed border paltform in ’08, they will have an easy victory, barring something like a predilection for cross dressing.
I’m not exactly in favor of a Republican victory in ’08. But the thought of the patriot act and so forth in the hands of Hilary Clinton terrifies me beyond words. Much like Kerry, Clinton would be a disaster for America’s sovereignty.
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