Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Ever have one of those days where the world comes crashing down around you? I'm having one of those. It's not any one thing, rather the sum total of government intrusion into my life has goten to be too much for me to bear.
The passage of the Real ID act, McCain-Feingold, The be a snitch or go to jail bill, the anti gun crap being pushed by members of my own legislature. It weighs on me, and occasionally, it's too much. Why can't I be left alone? Why can't the state and federal government just do their jobs? No, they need more power. click it or ticket. Am I the only one tired of being told what to do?
I have an idea. Let's give the lower 2/3 of CA to Mexico. We'll keep it from Redding on North. We'll send all the leftist freaks to New York and Chicago. The rest of the country will be the United States, and will go back to strict Constitutionally supported law. All Alphabet agencies will be disbanded and the employees thereof put to work on something useful, like building a DMZ between us and Mexico.
I don't understand why people focus on how others live their lives. What I do is my business, so long as I'm not harming anyone. Ramble, ramble, rant, rant.............
More later....


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