Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What would Odin say about GUN CONTROL?

Here's a link for you. Helps to explain my particular point of view a little, as the author is of my faith.

The Allfather and gun control

An excerpt:
While we're at it, let's look at the idea that our world is less violent than that of, say, the Vikings. According to M.I. Steblin-Kamenskij in his book The Saga Mind, we have a record of acts of violence in Iceland over a period of several centuries. At the height of the heroic age in that Viking colony, when every freeman carried a sword or axe or spear, the per capita murder rate was a lot less than in most urban areas in America today! We live in an extremely violent time, and the prognosis is for more of the same.

Perhaps, as I believe, the faith of the Vikings has more place in today's world than most people think.


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